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Ethical Lovers' Group

Come Meet-Up With Like-Minded People!

The Ethical Lover Group is for people interested in and/or already involved in, or who are completely supportive of, poly/non-monogamous relationships. It is a forum to discuss strategies and issues related to building healthy and happy poly/non-monogamous relationships. It is not intended to be a place to debate the pros and cons of monogamous vs. poly/non-monogamous relationships. We believe that one style of loving is not held as better than another.

The group is open to anyone who wishes to attend, regardless of gender or sexual identity, including transsexual, transgender, polysexual, bisexual, lesbian, gay, queer or straight people, as well as people who are non-monogamous, polyamorous, monogamous, celibate and/or in kink relationships – the main thing is to be poly/non-monogamy-positive.

Leanne Cusitar started the group. It was a workshop at Come As You Are. After a few months the meetings moved to UofT. After Leanne stepped down as the facilitator, the group continued to be run by volunteers at UofT, and later at Trinity church in downtown Toronto. Right now we are meeting online and are planning to hold in-person meetings in downtown Toronto in near future.


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